Experimental estimation of thermal and noise characteristics of a speed reducer with a spherical roller transmission
сферическая роликовая передача, редуктор, тело качения, тепловая характеристика, шумовая характеристика, сателлитAbstract
Transmissions with intermediate rolling elements are an innovative development in the field of mechanical drive systems. They allow you to implement a wide range of transmission ratios with small dimensions and weight. The transmissions have layout advantages due to the alignment of the shafts and the axial symmetry of the main parts. The spherical roller transmission under study contains a drive shaft with an inclined section (crank), on which a pinion is installed. During the transmission operation, the pinion executes a spherical motion. One row of rollers mounted on the pinion is rolled along a stationary racetrack formed by spherical cams fixed in the housing, the second row interacts with the racetrack of the driven spherical cam, forcing it and the driven shaft to rotate with a reduced speed. The article presents a kinematic diagram of a spherical roller transmission with a double-row pinion and considers the principle of its operation. The design of the experimental model of a speed reducer with a transmission ratio of 44 is described, the design of the laboratory bench is considered, the hardware and test methods are described. The results of experimental studies of the thermal and noise characteristics of the speed reducer depending on the kinematic and power factors are presented. These tests allowed us to establish that the most thermally loaded transmission unit is the drive shaft with a pinion mounted on it, which requires further improvement of its design. It is established that at a certain speed of rotation, spherical roller transmissions are comparable in noise level to mass-produced gear motors.
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