Increasing the throughput capacity of the Slyudyanka-1 - Ulan-Ude section by building an optimal train traffic model


  • Yurii Igorevich Belogolov Irkutsk State Transport University


interval control systems, flow models, train schedule, ABTTs-MSh, reduction of intervals between trains, section Slyudyanka-1 – Ulan-Ude


The development of new approaches to increasing the throughput in railway transport has been and remains one of the main tasks, which is receiving quite a lot of attention at the present time. In modern conditions, in order to strengthen the throughput and carrying capacity, it is important to tighten the traffic schedule, make fuller use of the existing infrastructure and technical means, use modern intelligent control systems and other organizational and technical solutions aimed at processing and forming a larger number of car traffic and train traffic. The article proposes to consider and simulate the operation of the Slyudyanka-1 – Ulan-Ude section during the implementation of interval train control systems and determines the possibility of passing a larger number of trains as compared to the existing technology. To increase the capacity on the section Slyudyanka-1 – Ulan-Ude, the possibility of using ABTC-MSh is considered as such a system. Modeling the work of the section consists in the development of an algorithm and the construction of flow models reflecting the arrival and departure of trains at the main stations of the section, which makes it possible to identify time reserves in the departure of a larger number of trains. Based on the results of modeling and calculations, a list of train flows of the section is formed, a proposed train schedule is built and its indicators are calculated. At the end of the article, a conclusion is made about the prospects for the application of innovative technologies in the field of interval control of train traffic on the Slyudyanka-1 – Ulan-Ude section and practical recommendations are given.

Author Biography

Yurii Igorevich Belogolov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operational Work Managment


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How to Cite

Белоголов, Ю. И. (2023). Increasing the throughput capacity of the Slyudyanka-1 - Ulan-Ude section by building an optimal train traffic model. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(77), 94-105. Retrieved from

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