Research of mechanical effects on power buses of a reversible converter-4000-2M OF electric locomotives 2 (3, 4) ES5K


  • Yurii A. Davydov Far Eastern State Transport University
  • Oleg O. Mukhin Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk
  • Vladimir V. Zabolotnyi Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, e-mail:


life cycle contract, power bus, reversible convertor, CAD-model, CAE-model, modal analysis, harmonic analysis, vibration


In 2020, within the framework of the life cycle contract concluded between the locomotive supplier Roslokomotiv AO and Russian Railways OAO, the supply of electric locomotives of the series «Ermak» produced by «Production Company «Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant» OOO. Often, when developing and designing new locomotives, it is difficult to determine the real operational mechanical effects on the components and elements of equipment of locomotives operating in different operating conditions. Which is why, within the life cycle of locomotives, their modernization is envisaged in order to increase reliability and service life. During the period of operation of the new locomotives, one of the shortcomings of series 2(3, 4) ES5K electric locomotives with axial traction control was revealed – a break in the power current-conducting bus of the reversible converters RIP-4000-2M at the points of contact of the buses to the terminals of the reversible converter. At present, measures have been taken to refine the construction design of the bus mounting, however, it was not possible to completely eliminate the problem.

A CAD and CAE-model of the bus mounting of the reversible converters was developed, a modal and harmonic analysis was carried out using the finite element method of the Solid Works Simulation software package. The article presents the results of modal and harmonic calculations of the power current-conducting bus of the reversible converters. The natural frequencies of the bus mounting construction design of the high-voltage power supply were determined, the maximum stresses arising in the structure were found from the amplitude-frequency characteristic. The results of the study in the CAD software complex confirmed the occurrence of malfunctions of the reversible converter-4000-2M buses. A modernization is proposed that allows one to reduce the concentration of stresses in the construction design and to eliminate the risk of mechanical failures in the power buses.


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How to Cite

Давыдов, Ю. А., Мухин, О. О., & Заболотный, В. В. (2021). Research of mechanical effects on power buses of a reversible converter-4000-2M OF electric locomotives 2 (3, 4) ES5K. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(69), 170-177. Retrieved from