Perspective construction of hump necks


  • Lyudmila Nikolaevna Ivankova Russian University of Transport
  • Alexei Nikolaevich Ivankov LLC «PSK TechProject»
  • Maxim Vladimirovich Chetchuev Saint Petersburg Transport University of Emperor Alexander I
  • Anzhelika Vasil'evna Burakova Branch of the Rostov State Transport University in Voronezh


slide necks, curves with a radius of 200 m, inscribing curves, ten-pair bundles, the descent part of the slide, retarders, wire transfers


The article analyzes the problems faced by designers when developing hump necks with a large number of sorting paths. For last paths, it is very difficult to fit curves with a radius of 200 meters or more. It is necessary to use reverse curves, which creates additional resistance to the movement of wagons when rolling down the sorting hump. New designs of hump necks with ten-track bundles were proposed, allowing to easily enter curves with a radius of 200 meters or more. Besides, the proposed hump necks provide the required width of the interstices. The design of the hump neck also affects the longitudinal profile of the descent part. Due to the fact that the section of the switch area turns out to be longer compared to the classic eight-track beams, the high-speed section turns out to be shorter. This makes it possible to design the high-speed sections steeper, resulting in earlier separation of the detachments on the switches and retarders. The article concludes that the main parameters of the sorting hump with a six- and four-track bunches differ insignificantly. The lengths of the calculated paths are almost the same. The number of switches along the rolling route remains unchanged. The few disadvantages include the fact that the angle of rotation of the last path curve increases slightly as compared to the classic version. However, the required number of retarders on the descent part of the hump is reduced. This significantly reduces the amount of investment in the construction of a sorting hump.

Author Biographies

Lyudmila Nikolaevna Ivankova, Russian University of Transport

Кандидат технических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры управления транспортными процессами

Alexei Nikolaevich Ivankov, LLC «PSK TechProject»

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Chief engineer of LLC «PSK TechProject»

Maxim Vladimirovich Chetchuev, Saint Petersburg Transport University of Emperor Alexander I

Ph. D. in Engineering Science, Associate professor, Associate professor of Department of Railway Stations and Junctions

Anzhelika Vasil'evna Burakova, Branch of the Rostov State Transport University in Voronezh

Assistant Professor of the Department of Social and Humanitarian, Natural Sciences and General Professional disciplines


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How to Cite

Иванкова, Л. Н., Иванков, А. Н., Четчуев, М. В., & Буракова, А. В. (2023). Perspective construction of hump necks. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(78), 42-50. Retrieved from

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