Conditions for the use of the maximum possible thickness of brake pads in the braking system of a freight wagon trolley with 670V cylinders


  • Vladimir Vladimirovich TMH Engineering LLC, Separate Enterprise in Bryansk «Locomo-tives Design Bureau»
  • Gennadii Ivanovich Petrov Russian University of Transport (MIIT)


lever gear, brake cylinder, elastic component, bending deformation, brake pad, stroke of the rod and screw


The operation of freight wagons with separate braking revealed the unresolved problem of rationing the output of the brake cylinder rod. The works to determine the design stroke of the cylinder rod, taking into account the features of modern designs, show a significant excess of the lower and upper limits of the rod stroke relative to the normative ones while significantly different elastic deformation of lever gears of different structures predetermine the impossibility of using one standard range of the stroke of the rod. In addition, the use of an auto regulator for such wagons, mainly hoppers, determines the impossibility of operating such wagons when using 710 cylinders with a constructive maximum rod stroke of 125 mm in their lever systems, the use of which is requested by regulatory documents. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is the use of a lever system with brake cylinders mounted on trolleys and a unified lever transmission. Such systems are promising for use on the railways of the Russian Federation making their research relevant. For such a scheme with a unified lever transmission and placement of 670V cylinders on a biaxial type 2 and type 3 State Standard 9246-2013 trolley, the actual stroke of the rod was determined in operation. The possibility of passing a steep long descent by a wagon with a developed scheme is evaluated. A table of mounting dimensions of the brake system in operation for a 60 ± 4 mm thick brake pad has been developed. Based on the table and the resulting stroke of the rod, taking into account the elastic deformation of the brake system, the actual total stroke of the rod and the screw of the brake cylinder in operation is determined. The conditions for the use of the maximum possible thickness of brake pads in operation are determined.

Author Biographies

Vladimir Vladimirovich , TMH Engineering LLC, Separate Enterprise in Bryansk «Locomo-tives Design Bureau»

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Leading Design Engineer

Gennadii Ivanovich Petrov, Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Wagons and Wagon Facilities


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How to Cite

Синицын, В. В., & Петров, Г. И. (2023). Conditions for the use of the maximum possible thickness of brake pads in the braking system of a freight wagon trolley with 670V cylinders. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(80), 17-26. Retrieved from