Analysis of the reverse traction current influence on the track circuits operation
power supply system, track circuit, track impedance bond, traction return current, rail potentialAbstract
The paper deals with the urgent problem of increasing the stability of the functioning of the AC railways electric track circuits. It was found that under the regular heavy haul traffic the "rail-ground" potential increase not only results in failures of the rail circuits operation, but also leads to various breaches in the work of all railway departments involved in the organization of train traffic. A simulation model of an AC electrified section on the example of the Zabaikalskaya railway has been developed based on MATLAB software platform. Influence of track impedance bond parameters and the ballast transient resistance on the rail potential value was estimated. The simulation model included the power supply system parameters for the section considered and the real train schedule, provided that the maximum possible number of heavy trains is on the track. Based on the traction calculations performed in the KORTES software the train currents, the reverse traction current and currents in the track sections of inter substation zone are calculated. A research of track impedance bond parameters influence on the rail potentials (RPs) has been carried out. The simulation modeling showed that the distribution of the "rail-ground" potential along the length of the substation zone is significantly influenced by the active resistance of the track throttle transformer impedance bond. At the same time, with the constant value of the ballast resistance, a change in the resistance of the track impedance bond due to humidification and freezing under the influence of large traction currents causes the appearance of potentials exceeding the disruptive voltage of the spark gaps. It was revealed that the rail potential growth is largely associated with the track impedance bond’s active resistance increase. It is noted that humidification and freezing of the ballast layer also leads to the appearance of potentials exceeding the breakdown voltage of spark gaps, which is a significant limitation for the further increase of train weight and traffic intensity for the Siberian and the Far Eastern railways.
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