Research of gas dynamic processes in electro pneumatic brakes on an electric train ED9M
motor wagon rolling stock, braking system, gas dynamic processes, pressure sensor, analog signal recorder, adaptive brake control algorithmAbstract
In the process of developing an algorithm for adaptive control of pushing the braking pads of passenger rolling stock during electropneumatic braking, it became necessary to take into account the gas-dynamic processes occurring in the braking system. For this, an experiment was conducted at the Irkutsk motor wagon depot on the ED9M electric train during its parking using special digital equipment. In the course of the experiment, a certain number of braking cycles were performed in order to identify delays between the supply of the control action by the driver's crane and the beginning of filling the brake cylinder or its discharge, the number of possible stages of discharge of the brake cylinder with manual control of electropneumatic brakes was also revealed to clarify the adaptive braking algorithm. Pressure sensors were connected at seven points of the brake system: in the brake cylinder, false brake cylinder, working chamber of the air distributor, feed and spare tanks, feed line and brake line. The signal from the pressure sensors was sent to the data recording and storage device. The moment the control action was applied to the electropneumatic braking system by transferring the driver's crane handle to the release, overlap and braking positions was recorded by light sensors installed on the overlap and braking lamps on the control panel in the driver's cabin. As a result of the experiment, the possibility of using an adaptive braking algorithm for controlling electropneumatic brakes was confirmed in terms of their speed and controllability.
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