Stability of the parametric phase number multiplier at the fundamental frequency


  • Ivan M. Bedritskiy Tashkent State Transport University
  • Kamila K. Jurayeva Tashkent State Transport University
  • Laziz Kh. Bazarov Tashkent State Transport University


stability of oscillations, parametric phase number multiplier, stability criterion, stability boundaries, abrupt change of parameters


Phase number multipliers are used in automation devices, electronic equipment, communications in cases where there is no possibility to use multiphase circuits or their use is associated with certain technical or economic difficulties. Devices of this type in the form of a phase number multiplier, which found application in single-phase circuits for powering three-phase consumers, got the most widespread use. From the point of view of circuitry, the simplest are phase multipliers based on nonlinear LC circuits, which have high reliability and relatively small dimensions when powering devices of low and medium power. However, phase number multipliers based on LC circuits can operate in resonant modes under certain conditions, hence, voltage or current surges may occur in them. The article considers the work of a parametric phase number multiplier operating at the fundamental frequency, used in single-phase circuits for powering three-phase consumers from the point of view of the theory of stability of oscillatory processes. The stability of the phase number multiplier is studied according to the Hurwitz stability criterion. The characteristic circuit design and operating parameters of the phase multiplier based on LC circuits and their influence on its stable operation are analyzed. According to data obtained, the change in the load of the phase number converter based on LC circuits from short circuit to no-load does not affect the stability mode. It is concluded that from the point of view of the theory of vibration stability, the proposed circuit is suitable for the development of real frequency multipliers of low and medium power.


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How to Cite

Бедрицкий, И. М., Жураева, К. К., & Базаров, Л. Х. (2021). Stability of the parametric phase number multiplier at the fundamental frequency. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 43-51. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering