Modeling of single-phase fault modes in power supply systems of non-traction consumers


  • Andrei Vasil'evich Kryukov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Il'ya Sergeevich Ovechkin Irkutsk State Transport University


single-phase ground faults, power supply systems for railway transport facilities, electric transmission lines, Fazonord software package, modeling


Every year, due to accidents in the networks providing power supply to signal points, delays occur in the movement of several thousand trains. A significant proportion of the total number of failures are single-phase ground faults. The peculiarity of this type of malfunction consists in small currents, which greatly complicates the detection of their occurrence. Damaged electric transmission lines are not switched off by relay protection, while in long-term modes of single-phase ground faults, the structure of reinforced concrete supports may be destroyed when a single-phase ground fault current flows through them. In addition, an increase in the voltage of healthy phases relative to the ground to linear values may result in insulation breakdown and the occurrence of two-phase short circuits. The modes of single-phase ground faults in general-purpose networks are considered in detail in a large number of domestic and foreign publications. However, the task of determining such modes in technological lines of electric transmissions on railway transport located in areas of increased electromagnetic influences of traction networks remains unresolved in full. To solve it, it is possible to effectively use methods of modeling modes of railway power supply systems developed at the Irkutsk State Transport University and implemented in the Fazonord software package. The article describes a model of a system of railway transport facilities, including an overhead line of longitudinal power supply mounted on supports of a contact network. The results of determining the modes of single-phase ground faults are presented. Conclusions are drawn about the influence of the power grid on short-circuit currents. The digital models described in the article allow to obtain complete information about the modes of single-phase ground faults at the fundamental frequency and at higher harmonic frequencies and can find practical application in solving problems of configuring devices that identify single-phase ground faults, as well as for developing methods for localizing their occurrence in networks subject to electromagnetic influences.

Author Biographies

Andrei Vasil'evich Kryukov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Electric Power Engineering of Transport; Professor of the Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering

Il'ya Sergeevich Ovechkin, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Electric Power Industry of Transport


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How to Cite

Крюков, А. В., & Овечкин, И. С. (2024). Modeling of single-phase fault modes in power supply systems of non-traction consumers. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(82), 10-23. Retrieved from

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