Stress analysis and design upgrade of the center pivot beam area of the underframe of specialized rolling stock


  • Savelev Mikhail Mikhailovich LLC «Sinara Algorithm», JSC «VNIIZHT»
  • Fedorova Veronika Igorevna JSC «VNIIZHT», Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University
  • Zhavyrkin Vadim Vitalevich LLC «Sinara Algorithm», Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «Russian university of transport»


center pivot beam, underframe, specialized rolling stock, finite element method, allowable stresses analysis, fatigue resistance factor, modernization


This article presents a research on the design of the center pivot beam area of the underframe of specialized rolling stock. The article is based on an analysis of the technical characteristics of this area in order to identify potential vulnerabilities and problems that could lead to a decrease in the strength and safety of the vehicle. Through the use of modern engineering analysis methods, including finite element modeling and engineering calculations, the research provides a detailed overview of the current state of the structure and its behavior under standard loads. The results of the analysis can identify potential defects and vulnerabilities in the center pivot beam area, which is a key step for developing effective retrofit strategies. Based on the data obtained, recommendations are made for improving the design, including proposals for the use of new materials, assembly technologies and reinforcement methods. These proposals are aimed at improving the strength and safety of the center pivot beam area of the under frame of specialized rolling stock, which in turn improves the safety and reliability of the vehicle. The study has practical implications for engineers in the field of transport infrastructure, as well as for specialists involved in the maintenance and modernization of vehicles. Overall, this article makes a significant contribution to the development of engineering solutions aimed at improving the safety and reliability of rolling stock, which is an important aspect in the modern transport industry.

Author Biographies

Savelev Mikhail Mikhailovich, LLC «Sinara Algorithm», JSC «VNIIZHT»

Postgraduate, the scientific Center "Train Traction"; 2 class engineer, LLC «Sinara Algorithm»

Fedorova Veronika Igorevna, JSC «VNIIZHT», Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Technical Expert of the Scientific Center «Infrastructure», Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport; Associate Professor of the Department of Wagons and Wagon Facilities

Zhavyrkin Vadim Vitalevich, LLC «Sinara Algorithm», Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «Russian university of transport»

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Land Transport Technology Facilities; the Head of the Strength Department


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How to Cite

Савельев, М., Федорова, В., & Жавыркин, В. (2024). Stress analysis and design upgrade of the center pivot beam area of the underframe of specialized rolling stock. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(82), 24-34. Retrieved from