Control of electric rolling stock taking into account operation modes of railway traction power supply system
electric rolling stock, traction power supply system, demand management, bandwidth, operating modes, instant loadingAbstract
The development of digital technologies in railway transport makes it possible to overcome a number of technological barriers associated with the limited capacity of the energy infrastructure by controlling electric rolling stock taking into account the operating modes of the railway traction power supply system in real time. The paper proposes an algorithm for controlling electric rolling stock in terms of changing the consumed power taking into account the operating modes, restrictions and in coordination with the regulators of the railway traction power supply system in real time. Control influence on the power reduction of the electric traction load can be obtained by numerical modeling based on a calculation scheme or a direct solution to a system of equations describing currents and voltages in the inter-substation zone of the traction power supply system. As a result of calculations for a single point in time, the value of the reduction in the power of the electric traction load was obtained taking into account the priority for fulfilling restrictions on the loading of contact network feeders by current and ensuring voltages in the traction network within acceptable limits. The reliability of the modeling results is confirmed by the convergence of the obtained results of calculating the modes of the electrified section with the experimental data. The implementation of the proposed approach will increase the capacity of the electrified section by increasing the reliability of the electric rolling stock and the traction power supply system of the railways due to the exclusion of abnormal modes of their operation. The presented technology for determining control actions for electric rolling stock taking into account mutual coordination and priority when exceeding the permissible limits of the parameters of the energy infrastructure is practically feasible and can be used within the framework of the «virtual coupling».
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