Automation of the troubleshooting process in electric locomotives in route by train


  • Evgenii Alexandrovich Tret’yakov Omsk State Transport University
  • Andrei Petrovich Shilyakov Omsk State Transport University
  • Anton Nikolaevich Solov’ev Omsk State Transport University


electric rolling stock, fault along the route, decision making support system, automation of operations, on-board information and control systems


One of the areas for improving electric rolling stock is the introduction of advanced digital, hardware, software and intelligent technologies that can increase its productivity, operational reliability and ensure traffic safety. Modern electric locomotives must be equipped with on-board information and control systems that support the connection of additional control and instrumentation systems and instruments. Such intelligent systems include driver decision support systems, which ensure increased efficiency of actions of locomotive crew workers in various situations, including emergency ones. The paper presents the results of a study of the possibility of automating the process of troubleshooting electric locomotives along the route. Based on the analysis of instructional documents establishing the procedure for the locomotive crew to act in the event of a malfunction along the route and eliminating its consequences, the main types of possible equipment malfunctions were identified. A classification of troubleshooting methods has been developed, which makes it possible to systematize individual operations in the process of troubleshooting according to the place where they are performed, by the type of equipment used, and by their intended purpose. Based on the developed classification, the possibility of automating various operations currently performed manually by a locomotive crew has been determined, and its influence on the duration of troubleshooting an electric locomotive along the route has been established. Three levels of automation of driver decision support systems are proposed, with the requirements for the technical equipment of an electric locomotive determined for each. Full automation of the process of troubleshooting along the route requires fundamental changes in the design and control system of the electrical, mechanical and pneumatic equipment of the locomotive.

Author Biographies

Evgenii Alexandrovich Tret’yakov, Omsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Rolling Stock of Electric Railways

Andrei Petrovich Shilyakov, Omsk State Transport University

Ph. D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Rolling Stock of Electric Railways

Anton Nikolaevich Solov’ev, Omsk State Transport University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Rolling Stock of Electric Railways


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How to Cite

Третьяков, Е. А., Шиляков, А. П., & Соловьев, А. Н. (2024). Automation of the troubleshooting process in electric locomotives in route by train. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(82), 98-110. Retrieved from