Generalized forecasting of wagon turnover using a complex model that takes into account statistical and expert information


  • Yurii Mecheslavovich Krakovskii Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Galina Nikolaevna Kramynina Irkutsk State Transport University


freight turnover, forecasting, trend models, expert assessments, wagon turnover, hierarchy analysis method


A technology for generalized forecasting of wagon turnover using statistical and expert information taking into account the scenario approach has been proposed and tested. Wagon turnover is one of the important indicators for assessing the efficiency of the transportation process, since when it is reduced, the volume of cargo transportation increases. This indicator estimates the average time per day for using a wagon from loading to the next loading. Generalized forecasting is based on three values of wagon turnover with different weights: a) the value obtained from a three-factor model, depending on significant factors, significant factors being freight turnover, wagon productivity, sectional speed; b) the value obtained from the trend model; c) point expert judgment. The weighting coefficients were obtained by means of the hierarchy analysis method using expert judgment. Additionally, three criteria were introduced, which increased the accuracy of the weighting coefficients. As a result, expert practitioners and the authors of the article created four judgment matrices. For each matrix, the values of the consistency relations were obtained, and this made it possible to verify the consistency of the judgments of the created matrices. After processing the matrices, the final weighting coefficients for the complex criterion were obtained. The authors proposed three scenarios for the development of the transportation process for a general forecast of wagon turnover. To implement it, it was necessary to create 12 trend models. Good practical accuracy of this forecasting is shown for all three proposed scenarios, although the forecasting models themselves provide a significant error. Of the three scenarios considered, scenario 3 showed the closest value. The final forecast value is 7,01 days, and the actual value is 6,61 days. The relative error is 6,0%. This shows that even under conditions of uncertainty in the transportation process, generalized forecasting based on a complex criterion gives good practical results.

Author Biographies

Yurii Mecheslavovich Krakovskii, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Information Systems and Information Security

Galina Nikolaevna Kramynina, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D Student of Department of Information Systems and Information Security


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How to Cite

Краковский, Ю. М., & Крамынина, Г. Н. (2024). Generalized forecasting of wagon turnover using a complex model that takes into account statistical and expert information. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(82), 145-153. Retrieved from