Improving the reliability of remote control devices and mast disconnectors


  • Elena Yur'evna Puzina Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Krapivin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Anton Pavlovich Kutsyi Irkutsk State Transport University


mast disconnectors, remote control devices, emergency modes, protective measures, software computing complex


During the operation of control devices for traction power supply systems, it is necessary to deal with their failures due to the occurrence of such emergency modes as a short circuit in the contact network and lightning strikes in equipment close to the control devices. As a result, damage to tele-remote control devices and self-propelled mast disconnectors of the contact network and overhead lines occur. An analysis of the failure statistics of these devices, performed for one of the Transenergo directorates, showed that two thirds of the drives of mast disconnectors have a risk of damage to their remote control circuits. Therefore, this problem is relevant both for the surveyed directorate of a separate railway and for the entire network of Russian railways. In order to clarify the magnitude of the voltage under which the insulation of the secondary switching circuits of the drives is damaged, a short circuit model in the contact network in the Fazonord software package has been developed. The simulation results confirmed the high risk of stresses in rail circuits arising in this case. In this regard, measures have been developed to protect remote control devices and mast disconnectors from self-propelled guns. These include: strengthening the insulation of secondary circuits; isolation of disconnector and drive structures from low-resistance supports; application of surge protection in remote control circuits; transfer of control racks and remote controls to the minimum safe distance to the drives and circuit solutions for grounding drives on rail circuits. In the course of the work, the following research methods were used: statistical analysis of information on the state of the tele-remote control and mast disconnector circuits; the method of simulation modeling in software computing complex «Cortes» of the short-circuit mode in contact network; the method of computer modeling in software computing complex «Fazonord» in order to calculate the voltage in the rail circuit during a short circuit in the contact network.

Author Biographies

Elena Yur'evna Puzina, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Electric Power Industry of Transport

Mikhail Ivanovich Krapivin, Irkutsk State Transport University

Department of Electric Power Industry of Transport

Anton Pavlovich Kutsyi, Irkutsk State Transport University

Head of the Youth Research Center


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How to Cite

Пузина, Е. Ю., Крапивин, М. И., & Куцый, А. П. (2024). Improving the reliability of remote control devices and mast disconnectors. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(82), 66-78. Retrieved from

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