Prospects for the use of a digital railway track model within the framework of planning and organization of works


  • Egor Nikolaevich Timofeev Siberian Transport University
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Sevost’yanov Siberian Transport University


digital model, infrastructure, railway transport, aerial photography, risk control, database


A digital model is a tool that displays a virtual set of information about real objects or their complex. The application of this model covers a wide range of tasks, including the transport industry, in particular rail transport. This article contains developed recommendations based on data obtained by means of aerial photography using unmanned vehicles and specialized software systems. These data allow to create a concept for the implementation of a digital model in the structural divisions of JSC «Russian Railways». In particular, the methods and sources of updating the database have been identified, as well as changes that update the state of infrastructure facilities have been taken into account. The main advantages of using a digital model are the possibilities of visual and intuitive presentation of information, which greatly facilitates the choice of a rational solution by a specialist. Such a model allows not only to visualize the current conditions of objects, but also to develop and test various scenarios of operational intervention or prevention. This helps to optimize the work process, minimize the likelihood of problems and increase the overall efficiency of production activities. Consideration of specific examples of the use of digital models in the railway industry shows that they can significantly improve the quality and efficiency of decision-making. An analysis of the data obtained from the digital model was carried out on a specific section of the route. The evaluation showed the high efficiency of this tool. As a result of the research, data were presented that are of practical importance and can be used for further development of digital models in various fields of railway transport. In addition, the digital model opens up new horizons for improving the infrastructure management process. The output data allows us to judge the suitability for further processing and forecasting changes. Monitoring systems based on digital models can become an important tool for maintaining a high level of safety on the railway, as well as for improving the efficiency of logistics and management processes. In conclusion, it is emphasized that innovative approaches, including the use of digital models and unmanned aerial vehicles, play a key role in the digitalization of the railway industry. Modern technologies make it possible not only to increase safety and efficiency, but also to create conditions for sustainable infrastructure development. Research and development in this area continues to prove its importance and prospects, opening up new opportunities for improving transport systems.

Author Biographies

Egor Nikolaevich Timofeev, Siberian Transport University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Engineering Geodesy, Engineer of Scientific Research Laboratory of Diagnostics of Roadbeds and Ground Bed

Alexander Alexandrovich Sevost’yanov, Siberian Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Track and Track Facilities


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How to Cite

Тимофеев, Е. Н., & Севостьянов, А. А. (2024). Prospects for the use of a digital railway track model within the framework of planning and organization of works. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(84), 21-31. Retrieved from