Methodology for constructing profilograms of brake pads of passenger rolling stock with various types of defects and degree of wear


  • Vladislav Romanovich Konovalov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Evgenii Yur'evich Dul’skii Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Denis Olegovich Emel’yanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Alexander Pavlovich Buinosov Ural State Transport University


rolling stock, wagon brake system, brake pad, profilogram, defects of brake pads, degree of wear


The article discusses the methodology for constructing profilograms of brake pads of passenger rolling stock with various types of defects and degrees of wear, which in the future may play an important role in reducing the wear of the brake pad of passenger rolling stock. This can improve the safety and efficiency of vehicles. Brake pads of passenger rolling stock with various types of defects and degrees of wear were scanned using a RangeVision Spectrum 3D scanner. The construction of profilograms at the final stage was carried out in the Kompas-3D automated design system, with the help of which profilograms were constructed in the form of two-dimensional images, which made it possible to determine the exact shape and dimensions of the pad in a given section. Analysis of the profilograms showed that different types of defects affect wear differently, which requires the development of special methods for wear monitoring and optimization of the brake system operating parameters. To achieve maximum efficiency, the study requires an integrated approach, including both a theoretical analysis of existing models and the development of new, more accurate methods for assessing the condition of brake pads. The new research may lead to the creation of intelligent systems for monitoring brake pad wear in real time and optimizing brake system performance parameters. The introduction of new methods for assessing the condition of brake pads may result in a reduction in the costs of purchasing and disposing of pads, as well as a reduction in emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The results of the research may be used to develop new standards and regulations for the operation and maintenance of rolling stock brake systems, which will improve the safety and efficiency of rail transportation.

Author Biographies

Vladislav Romanovich Konovalov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Wagons and Wagon Facilities

Evgenii Yur'evich Dul’skii, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Wagons and Wagon Facilities

Denis Olegovich Emel’yanov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. Student of the Department of Wagons and Wagon Facilities

Alexander Pavlovich Buinosov, Ural State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Electric Traction


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How to Cite

Коновалов, В. Р., Дульский, Е. Ю. ., Емельянов, Д. О., & Буйносов, А. П. (2024). Methodology for constructing profilograms of brake pads of passenger rolling stock with various types of defects and degree of wear. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(84), 10-20. Retrieved from