Vibration diagnostics of pumping equipment of thermal power plants
vibration diagnostics, cavitation, vibration, pump units, maintenance based on actual conditionAbstract
This article presents the results of research in the field of complex analysis of vibration parameters generated during operation of industrial centrifugal pumps operated in thermal power plants. A scientific basis has been created for developing diagnostic criteria for assessing and predicting the processes of change in the technical condition of pumping equipment in operation, which, when used in practice, will optimize the procedures for diagnostics and vibration analysis and improve the repair system in place at enterprises. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the causes of increased vibration, such as imbalance, bearing wear, cavitation and other defects. The results of vibration measurements on pumping units using modern equipment are presented, and methods for diagnosing the developing defects are considered. In this study, the results of a complex diagnostic approach to vibration analysis were used, including spectral analysis in an extended frequency and dynamic range, and analysis of the envelope of the original vibration acceleration signal. The obtained scientific results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed set of diagnostic methodologies for analyzing the vibration parameters of pumping units and creating criteria for assessment and forecasting. The obtained results indicate the possibility of using diagnostic criteria to monitor the condition of industrial pumps and short-term forecasting of degradation processes of their technical condition using adaptive mathematical models. Analysis of the identified vibration diagnostic defects allows us to determine and configure automatic stationary technical diagnostics tools that facilitate the transition from a system of scheduled preventive maintenance to maintenance based on the actual condition. Maintenance based on the actual condition is a modern solution that corresponds to the concept of «Industry 4.0», in which complex technological equipment is united into a single information network with the ability to transmit data on its technical condition.
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