Research of the angular velocity of rotation of the pendulum on the rotating shaft of the mechanical system


  • Anatoliy Ivanovich Artyunin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Sergei V. Barsukov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Oleg Yu. Sumenkov The Sirius University of Science and Technology


pendulum, angular velocity, rotating shaft, mechanical system, sticking effect, damping


This work deals with further research of the effect of “sticking” of a pendulum on the rotating shaft of a mechanical system. Essentially, with a certain ratio between the friction torque in the support of the pendulum mounted with the possibility of free rotation on the mechanical system rotor shaft, and its mass and length there is such a mode of motion when the rotor spins with a given angular velocity, and the angular velocity (rotation frequency) coincides with one of the natural frequencies of the mechanical system. Researches were conducted in the model with two degrees of freedom and a pendulum mounted with the possibility of free rotation on the shaft of its mechanical system. Nonlinear differential equations, not solved with respect to a higher derivative, were obtained for this model with a pendulum. As a result of a numerical integration of these equations, the laws of the pendulum rotation with different friction coefficients in its support are formulated, including the case when the pendulum “sticks” on the natural frequencies of the model. By means of substantiated assumptions, a separate differential equation of the pendulum motion on the rotating shaft of the model was derived. From this equation one can clearly see that the rotation of the pendulum on the shaft and, respectively, the effect of “sticking” are influenced not only by friction in the pendulum’s support, but also by the natural frequency of oscillations and damping of the mechanical system. Calculated curves of the pendulum’s acceleration laws during the integration of the system of equations showed close coincidence, which is indicative of the veracity of the results obtained. A research of the influence of damping on the likelihood of the effect of “sticking” of the pendulum on the rotating shaft was carried out.


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How to Cite

Артюнин, А. И., Барсуков, С. В., & Суменков , О. Ю. (2021). Research of the angular velocity of rotation of the pendulum on the rotating shaft of the mechanical system. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 21-28. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering