Management of technological processes of photopolymerization


  • Nikolay G. Filippenko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Tamara T. Chumbadze Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Artem A. Belomestnykh Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Tatyana V. Piskazhova Siberian Federal University


photopolymer, polymerization, work hardening, raster, raster hardening


In the article the concept of photopolymer is studied, as well as its UV radiation of zone A and zone C and the general mechanism of polymerization of photocurable compositions. Advantages and flaws of a Photopolymer ROEHM R-50 were studied. As to the photopolymer's flaws, the task was to develop a method for obtaining composite structural photopolymers. Based on this, the terminological speciphics of the concept of composite materials (composite) are considered. One of the methods of product strengthening in mechanical engineering used on the railway, the so-called work hardening is considered as well as its concept and production in the process of plastic deformation and its graphic illustration is shown in cross section. Also, the change in the mechanical characteristics of the initial material is shown. Formation of a hardened layer on the surface of the product is also considered. The technique for photopolymer product hardening is proposed based on the analysis of the work hardening, using raster (raster hardening), which in turn is identical to the work hardening process. A process of manufacturing of photopolymer products with a raster (raster hardening) is shown with a description of the polymerization processes of a photopolymer with a raster (raster hardening). Hardness indicators are given based on the experiments with photopolymer and photopolymer with a raster (raster hardening). The data analysis given made it possible to confirm the proposed technique of hardening due to raster (raster hardening), capable of eliminating one of the photopolymer's flaws. To eliminate other identified flaws of the photopolymer, the tasks were set and directions determined for the study a composite material (composite) - polyacrylate which is to be the goal of further research.


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How to Cite

Филиппенко, Н. Г., Чумбадзе, Т. Т., Беломестных, А. А., & Пискажова, Т. В. (2021). Management of technological processes of photopolymerization. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 19-24. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering