Simulation of vector control of an asynchronous motor in a rotating system of coordinates


  • Alexander V. Kaminsky Pacific State University
  • Sergey V. Kovalenko Pacific State University
  • Alexander V. Gulyaev Far Eastern State Transport University


asynchronous motor, spatial generalizing vector, rotating coordinate system, math modeling, MatLab (Simulink)


The development of power semiconductor engeneering and technology served as the basis for the introduction of new types of frequency controlled electric drives on the rolling stock. At the same time, the problem of theoretical and experimental research of various operating modes of the drive becomes relevant. The paper presents a mathematical model of an asynchronous motor in a rotating coordinate system 0 - d - q, as well as the results of modeling performed in the MatLab / Simulink package. To check the results obtained in the theoretical part of the work, an experimental stand was developed. The purpose of the experiment was to obtain the dependencies of the electromagnetic torque of the motor and its speed during the start-up process, as well as to compare the obtained dependencies with the corresponding characteristics calculatedduring the simulation. A typical four-pole asynchronous motor with a squirrel-cage rotor AIR71A4 with a rated speed of 1370 rpm was used in the work.The motor was installed in an experimental stand, which made it possible to set and calculate the electromagnetic torque on the asynchronous motor shaft using an electromagnetic clutch. That allowed to check the adequacy of the developed engine simulation model. The obtained mathematical model can be used to simulate an electric drive in various operational modes. Comparative analysis of the calculated and experimental values indicates the validity of the theoretical positions adopted in the development of the simulation model. The simulation model of an induction motor obtained in the MatLab / Simulink software package adequately defines electromagnetic processes and can be used in the development of a vector control system, as well as in the educational process within the framework of the corresponding discipline.


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How to Cite

Каминский, А. В., Коваленко, С. В., & Гуляев, А. В. (2021). Simulation of vector control of an asynchronous motor in a rotating system of coordinates. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 50-58. Retrieved from