Risk management in train operation
risk management, transportation process, train traffic, artificial intelligence, big data, train scheduleAbstract
A modern approach to obtaining information from events accompanying the transportation process is considered. The current approach to determining the causes of failures and technological breaches is aimed at determining the causes of the failure and assessing the consequences caused by the event. This approach is dictated by the constant presence of failures and the need to attribute them to the guilty division with the further study of the causes and prevention of such events. Modern data collection and processing technologies using artificial intelligence (AI) are already being implemented in many high-tech companies around the world. The goal of these technologies is to obtain and process a large amount of data and reveal previously unknown dependencies. Using these dependencies in the transportation process will make it possible to improve the latter. A similar approach was implemented in the 70–80-ties of the last century, when the introduction of automated control systems in railway transport began. Improving the technology of the transportation process has reduced restrictions in the development of infrastructure for road transport in many areas. To date, the use of big data processing results is a continuation of the already implemented technology for improving the transportation process. Offering such a service to other market participants and using “own” and “foreign” data will allow processing more information and gain leadership in this technology. The modern technology-based dominating in the railway industry may allow the company to become a long term leader in the market, including the global one.
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