Digital models of advanced high-voltage traction power supply systems


  • Andrej V. Kryukov Irkutsk State Transport University; Irkutsk National Research Technical University
  • Aleksandr V. Cherepanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Andrej D. Stepanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Dmitriy A. Seredkin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Il`ya A. Fesak Irkutsk State Transport University


high-voltage traction power supply systems, electricity quality, energy efficiency, electromagnetic fields, modeling


One of the ways to solve the problems of increasing energy efficiency and improving the quality of electricity in the power supply systems of the main railways is by using high voltage traction networks (TN). Under modern conditions, the introduction of such networks requires the development of their digital models providing an adequate analysis of the quality of electricity, energy efficiency, electromagnetic compatibility and safety. Such models can be built based upon the methods for modeling the modes of power supply systems in phase coordinates, implemented in the Fazonord software complex, developed at the Irkutsk State University of Communications. The article presents the results of modeling the modes of promising power supply systems for railways with traction networks of 50 and 50 +110 kV. For comparison, a simulation of the modes of a traditional 25 kV TN was carried out. The results obtained made it possible to formulate the following conclusions: TN 50 + 110 kV provides the best voltage stabilization at the pantographs of electric rolling stock; high-voltage traction networks allow to reduce the currents of electric locomotives and reduce the heating of the wires of the contact network; the lowest power losses are provided by the TN 50 + 110 kV; at the same time, this is the TN that the lowest indicators of loss variability are observed for; due to the use of the increased voltage networks, a reduction in the total power consumption is possible to obtain ; the use of a high voltage vehicle results in the increase in the levels of the electric field strength as compared to a 25 kV vehicle, the maximum and average values of the 50 kV vehicle intensity are higher by 82 and 84 %, respectively; however, similar parameters of the TN 50 + 110 kV due to the supply line are reduced by 15 and 16%; The magnetic field strength of promising power supply systems, as compared to the 25 kV TN, decreases for 50 kV and 50 + 110 kV TN by 50 and 84 %, respectively.


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How to Cite

Крюков, А. В., Черепанов, А. В., Степанов, А. Д., Середкин, Д. А., & Фесак, И. А. (2021). Digital models of advanced high-voltage traction power supply systems. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 83-91. Retrieved from

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