Decision-making to gradually change the appearance and capacity of the multimodal transport network


  • Natalya S. Nesterova Far Eastern State Transport University
  • Vladimir A. Anisimov Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University


multimodal transport network, development strategy, transport corridor, transport hub, area of effective strategies, calculation case, balanced scorecard


A method of decision-making on the step-by-step change of the appearance and capacity of a multimodal transport network for the methodology of designing its development is proposed. A multimodal transport network is formed with the objects of a single transport network: multimodal transport hubs and transport links of various types of transport, as a set of multimodal transport corridors. The proposed methodology is a  methodological tool, by which the decision-maker chooses the best one from the formed area of effective strategies for the development of a multimodal transport network. Calculation cases are used to take into account the uncertainty of the scenarios of the socio-economic development of the country, its regions, the conjuncture on the world markets of export mineral raw materials, the international geopolitical situation and other factors affecting the decisions to be made. They set the variability of the conditions for the implementation of strategies. The mathematical model of the calculated case includes: a variant of the scenario of the socio-economic development of the studied region, a variant of the required volumes of traffic along multimodal transport corridors and the corresponding calculation scheme of the appearance of the multimodal transport network. The area of effective strategies is formed for each calculation case. Choosing the best strategy is possible: 1) from the area of effective strategies formed for one calculated case; 2) from the area of effective strategies combined for all calculated cases; 3) from a variety of effective strategies that ensure the development of the required traffic volumes in several calculated cases. The decision-maker, when choosing strategies, uses a balanced system of indicators as a tool for multi-criteria evaluation of strategies for changing the appearance and capacity of a multimodal transport network. The combination of balanced indicators makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of strategies, taking into account the possible socio-economic consequences of their implementation for society as a whole, the country's economy, the transport industry, as well as to assess the attractiveness of an investment project for its potential participants.


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How to Cite

Нестерова, Н. С., & Анисимов, В. А. (2021). Decision-making to gradually change the appearance and capacity of the multimodal transport network. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 59-67. Retrieved from