Microprocessor protection terminals of traction substations: Study of connection variants


  • Pavel S. Pinchukov Far Eastern State Transport University


traction substation, microprocessor protection and automation devices, digital current transformer, mean time between failures, survival function


A wide range of microprocessor protection and automation devices in various designs is used in modern railway electric power industry. The traditional circuits for connecting microprocessor devices are being replaced by new circuits, the reliability of which must be numerically assessed by step-by-step analysis and assessment of options for the occurrence of functional failures. The relevance of the study is based on the total modernization of railway energetics through the implementation of information technologies in the technological process control systems and the advanced extension of the use of digital technologies. The paper studies numerical indicators of reliability of microprocessor relay protection devices at traction substations. It also analyzes current trends in the digitalization of railway traction substations using microprocessor protection and automation devices. Since the database of indicators of the reliability of digital protection and automation systems in the railway power industry of the Russian Federation is currently not available the connection diagrams and technological design requirements for electric power digital substations were taken as the basis. The reliability indicators were calculated for traction substations of alternating current of railway transport. The results made it possible to compare new and existing (traditional) schemes in terms of reliability. It was revealed that the reliability indices of the new circuits are not higher than in the traditional one, which is explained by the presence of non-redundant elements in the new circuits, reducing the resulting reliability indices. Step-by-step examples of compiling topological equivalent circuits for reliability are given. Modeling and analysis of fault’s trees are carried out, taking into account the reliability indicators of elements with an example of the traction substation. The need to create in the near future a database of new digital and connecting equipment with an indication of the quantitative values of the reliability indicators of devices and complexes of relay protection and automation is emphasized.


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How to Cite

Пинчуков, П. С. (2021). Microprocessor protection terminals of traction substations: Study of connection variants. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 87-95. Retrieved from https://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/401