Methodology of planning intermodal terminals in transport systems


  • Yuliya O. Poltavskaya Angarsk State Technical University, Angarsk, the Russian Federation


intermodal terminal, transport system, intermodal transport units, transshipment operations, terminal services, loading and unloading mechanisms


Economic planning of any region or country provides for the development of the transport industry, and creates the possibility of transition from solutions based on the use of resources located close to production and consumption areas, to those based, to a great extent on specialization and progressive labor division. In this aspect, the transportation of goods is becoming more technological, supply chains - more complex, covering more regions. Tasks of the effective use of various modes of transport with their interaction during transshipment operations in intermodal terminals are becoming urgent. The presented methodology for the design of intermodal terminals in transport systems makes it possible to evaluate the developed design solutions taking into account the serviced transport units. The specificity of intermodal terminals in connection with the tasks performed and their role in the integration of various modes of transport in freight traffic are considered. The purpose of the study is to reflect the main aspects of the design of an intermodal terminal. Costs are equally important when deciding on terminal layout, equipment and operating technology. Listed are some of the cost items associated with the administration and management system of the terminal, as well as other functions and services performed on it. However, when deciding on the construction of the terminal, it is necessary to take into account a wider range of cost items including those not considered in this work.


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How to Cite

Полтавская, Ю. О. (2021). Methodology of planning intermodal terminals in transport systems. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 104-111. Retrieved from