Designing of turnarounds with different traffic direction priorities taking into account traffic flow distribution


  • Alexander A. Vetrogon Sevastopol State University
  • Marina N. Kripak Sevastopol State University
  • Mariya V. Druzhininа Sevastopol State University


traffic flow, transportational modeling, traffic management, roundabouts


The article studies the problems and accidents on the street and road network of Sevastopol, the reasons for their occurrence. The analysis of traffic accidents in the city was carried out, the ways to reduce the number of accidents revealed. The statistics of personal and public transport growth in Sevastopol is considered. Comparison of simple and circle crossroads was carried out, arguments for the choice of priority passage of traffic circles were given. Also types of modeling were considered, namely empirical and analytical, their characteristics are given. Software products for computer modeling of traffic situations is proposed. Due to the complexity associated with the historical development of the city of Sevastopol, changes in the transport network in most cases are not possible, but thanks to the modeling, it is possible to analyze and propose variations of traffic changes on a busy road section. When changing traffic patterns on the street and road network of cities, an important place is given to traffic circles of different level and type of traffic priority. With an example of one of the traffic circles of the city of Sevastopol the collection and analysis of traffic flow information was performed. Traffic flows were measured in this area. To assess the traffic situation in the simulation environment, a digital model of the street and road network was developed. Traffic models with both existing and modified traffic patterns were simulated. Further growth of traffic flow was also taken into account. Comparative measurements showed that on the circle intersection with circle flow priority the mean passing time from Fadeev street is reduced. Application of traffic circles, in comparison with unregulated t- and cross-road intersections, is more relevant in application because they allow to reduce congestion, increase throughput capacity and speed of passage of the road section.


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How to Cite

Ветрогон, А. А., Крипак, М. Н. ., & Дружинина, М. В. (2021). Designing of turnarounds with different traffic direction priorities taking into account traffic flow distribution. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 132-142. Retrieved from