Improvement of the parameter control system in the process of drying the insulation of the windings of traction electric motors of electric locomotives 2ES6


  • Alexei Nikolaevich Kalyakulin Samara State Transport University
  • Marina Veniaminovna Anakhova Samara State Transport University
  • Alexander Sergeevich Tychkov Samara State Transport University


traction motor, insulation, humidification, drying, parameters, insulation resistance, absorption coefficient


The article deals with the process of drying the windings of traction electric motors of the electric locomotive 2ES6 using a calorifier installation. Analysis of the drying process revealed the following shortcomings: a high risk of the influence of the human factor, both on the drying process and on the process of measuring parameters; overheating of the upper layers of insulation due to untimely shutdown of the radiators and, as a result, the formation of microcracks in the upper layers of the insulation; low energy efficiency, which means increased energy costs. To increase the efficiency of drying, it is proposed to automate the process of operation of the calorifier unit by introducing a circuit based on modern power semiconductor devices. For the current control of the traction electric motors insulation parameters during drying, it is proposed to use the standard MGM-1 megohmmeters of the 2ES6 electric locomotive, which will allow recording and analyzing the studied values. The system of automatic control of the insulation condition proposed in this article during the drying process on the heater installation will allow: to automate the measurement of insulation resistance, which will allow in real time to objectively assess the physical condition of the windings and make a timely decision on the need to adjust, continue or stop drying; to shorten the duration of the insulation drying process on the heater installation; to fix the operationalinformation on the insulation parameters of traction motors during the drying process for subsequent analysis and optimization of the process.

Author Biographies

Alexei Nikolaevich Kalyakulin, Samara State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department «Electric Transport»

Marina Veniaminovna Anakhova, Samara State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department «Electric Transport»

Alexander Sergeevich Tychkov, Samara State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department «Electric Transport»


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How to Cite

Калякулин, А. Н., Анахова, М. В., & Тычков, А. С. (2022). Improvement of the parameter control system in the process of drying the insulation of the windings of traction electric motors of electric locomotives 2ES6. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(73), 114-122. Retrieved from