Analysis of operational control of the contact network rigid crossbars condition


  • Oleg Victorovich Lobanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Valeriy Petrovich Stupitskiy Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Leonid Alexeevich Astrakhantsev Irkutsk State Transport University


rigid crossbars, contact network, diagnostics of railway transport equipment, metal support structures, operational control, contact wire breakage, technical condition, operating load


High rates of development of the railway transportation process lead to the complication of railway systems and equipment. To a greater extent, this is due to the increasing needs for the transportation of goods and cargo. In this regard, the requirements for ensuring the safety and reliability of train traffic are increasing. This, in turn, results in the need to improve control systems and develop new diagnostic methods for railway transport equipment. One of the most complex elements on the railway is the contact network. This is due to the fact that it has no reserve. The failure of one element entails a disruption of the functioning of the entire system, which directly affects the continuity of the technological process of transportation, and in case of destruction poses a threat to the safety of train traffic and people's lives. In turn, the main types of loads affecting the contact network are taken on by the supporting structures. In this article, the authors propose to consider the rigid crossbars of the contact suspension of multi-track crossings and stations. This is an important element of supporting structures, whose destruction can lead to prolonged downtime of trains and disruption of other devices of the contact network. The article presents a statistical analysis of the contact network rigid crossbars service life on the East Siberian Railway. The normalized damages have been analyzed as well as methods of determining the technical condition of metal crossbars. The authors proposed using finite element modeling as a method for determining stresses in the structure. The study was conducted for various operating modes and operating conditions. Based on the results obtained, recommendations were formed for the further operation of rigid crossbars.

Author Biographies

Oleg Victorovich Lobanov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. student of the Subdepartment «Electrical Power Industry of Transport»

Valeriy Petrovich Stupitskiy, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Subdepartment «Electrical Power Industry of Transport»

Leonid Alexeevich Astrakhantsev, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, the Full Professor of the Subdepartment «Electrical Power Industry of Transport»


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How to Cite

Лобанов, О. В., Ступицкий, В. П., & Астраханцев, Л. А. (2022). Analysis of operational control of the contact network rigid crossbars condition. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(73), 153-162. Retrieved from

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