Research of radial forces in asynchronous electric motors with nonsymmetrical current phases


  • Anatolii V. Luk'yanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Ivan S. Kupriyanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Dmitrii A. Luk'yanov East-Siberian Railway


current unbalance, asynchronous motor, radial forces, air gap, oscillations, phase failure


The article considers the results of a study of the behavior of radial forces in an asynchronous electric motor air gap in normal operation mode and in the event of asymmetry of the supply current and its development up to phase failure. When operating under a production conditions, a three-phase electrical network supplied to an asynchronous electric drive may not always be symmetrical. The reason can be both the characteristics of the electrical circuit (connection of single-phase energy consumers) and malfunctions of installation or converting equipment, and often a combination of all factors. In order to predict the behavior of both the asynchronous electric motor itself and dependent and adjacent systems and prevent the asynchronous electric motor failure, it is necessary to conduct a complete and reliable study of the processes occurring in the drive under current asymmetry in phases. A mathematical model of the behavior of radial forces in the air gap of the electric motor was constructed, according to which calculations were made allowing to evaluate the change in the amplitude and distribution of radial forces at various levels of supply current asymmetry in the stator phases. Based on the results of calculations, three-dimensional graphs of the distribution of radial forces in the air gap were constructed, and the nature of their oscillations was determined. A finite-element simulation of the effect of radial forces on the stator has been carried out. The results determined the nature and magnitude of the stator deformation under the influence of radial forces. The results of the research presented within the framework of the article make it possible to assess the oscillatory and thermal processes occurring in the machine under the radial forces in the presence of asymmetry of the supply current phases. Under laboratory conditions, vibration and thermal picture measurements were made during the operation of the electric motor in the presence of asymmetry of the supply current in the stator phases, which confirm the data obtained from the results of theoretical studies.

Author Biographies

Anatolii V. Luk'yanov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Full Professor, Professor of the Department of Physics, Mechanics and Instrumentation

Ivan S. Kupriyanov, Irkutsk State Transport University

Assistant Professor of the Department of Physics, Mechanics and Instrumentation

Dmitrii A. Luk'yanov, East-Siberian Railway

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Leading Technologist of the Technological Service of the Management of the East Siberian Railway


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How to Cite

Лукьянов, А. В., Куприянов, И. С., & Лукьянов, Д. А. (2022). Research of radial forces in asynchronous electric motors with nonsymmetrical current phases. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(76), 10-22. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering