Requirements for references

References to the literature used are given in the text in square brackets indicating the source number in the References, e.g .: [55].

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Reference list prepared in accordance with ГОСТ Р 7.0.100-2018 "Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description", placed at the end of the article. Its sources are located in the order of their citations in the text of the article.

1. Antipov V.I., Dentsov N.N., Koshelev A.V. E`nergeticheskie sootnosheniia v vibratsionnoi` mashine na mnogokratnom kombinatsionnom parametricheskom rezonanse [Energy relations in a vibration machine with multiple combination parametric resonance]. Vestnyk Nizhegorod. gos. un-ta im. N.I. Lobachevskogo, 2013, no.5, pp. 188-194.
2. Koshelev A.V. E`ffektivnost` vibratsionnoi` izmel`chitel`noi` mashiny` s parametricheskim vozbuzhdeniem [Efficiency of a vibratory shredding machine with parametric excitation]. Vestnyk Mashinostroeniia, 2016, no.5, pp. 27-32.
3. Patent No. 2637215 Russian Federation, IPC B02C 19/16 (2006.01), B02C 17/00 (2006.01). Vibratory mill: No. 2017105030: app. 02/15/2017: publ. 12/01/2017 / Artemenko K. I., Bogdanov N. E.; applicant BSTU. - 4 p. : ill. - Text: direct.
4. Schmidt, G. Parametricheskie kolebaniia [Parametric oscillations]. Moscow: Mir Publ., 1978, 336 p.
5. Ilyin M.M., Kolesnikov K.S., Saratov Yu.S. Teoriia kolebanii` [The theory of oscillations]. Moscow: N.E. Bauman MSTU Publ., 2003, 272 p.
6. Antipov V.I., Dentsov N.N., Koshelev A.V. Dinamika parametricheski vozbuzhdaemoi` vibratsionnoi` mashiny` s izotropnoi` uprugoi` sistemoi` [Dynamics of a parametrically excited vibrating machine with an isotropic elastic system]. Fundamental`ny`e issledovaniia, 2014, no. 8, part 5, pp. 1037-1042.


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