Simulation of the processes of ticket and cash service for visitors of the station complex


  • Irina Alexandrovna Chubarova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Alena Dmitrievna Domozhirova Irkutsk State Transport University


station complex, AnyLogic software, simulation model, modeling, ticketing and cash services, organization of passenger traffic, passengers, improving the quality of service, visitors


For the effective use and further development of the station complexes of JSC Russian Railways, the Concept until 2030 was adopted and approved. On the basis of the adopted concept, work is now underway to modernize railway stations: the introduction of modern technologies, the reconstruction of passenger facilities, the increase in services provided to visitors at the station, the change in the main station devices, and the automation of production processes. At the same time, there is a search for directions for more efficient use of the station complex facilities , including with the help of simulation modeling methods. The purpose of this research is to study the capabilities of the AnyLogic software for simulating the processes of the station complex. The objectives of the study are to analyze passenger flows and simulate the ticketing service. The subject of the research is the station complex Irkutsk-Passenger. The paper shows the modeling of processes occurring at the station complex (on the example of the Irkutsk-Passenger railway station) and considers options for improving the quality of service for visitors to the station complex. In the study, the choice of the simulation method was substantiated and the analysis of the current system was carried out by building simulation models. The article presents the results of two scenarios for simulating the work of ticket offices. The development of a simulation model of ticketing and cash services made it possible to identify «bottlenecks» and adjust the operating mode of ticket offices for the rational organization of servicing the station complex visitors. Implementation of AnyLogic software will make it possible to obtain a detailed understanding of the processes taking place at the station complex, to find «bottlenecks» and optimize processes in need.

Author Biographies

Irina Alexandrovna Chubarova, Irkutsk State Transport University

Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Operational Work Management

Alena Dmitrievna Domozhirova, Irkutsk State Transport University

Assistant Professor of the Department of Operational Work Management


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How to Cite

Чубарова, И. А., & Доможирова, А. Д. (2023). Simulation of the processes of ticket and cash service for visitors of the station complex. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(77), 156-168. Retrieved from