Solving the problem of optimizing frame structures using the “AUTODESK INVENTOR” software package


  • Sergei V. Treskin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Nikolai N. Novikov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Pavel Yu. Ivanov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Evgenii Yu. Dulskii Irkutsk State Transport University


design optimization, modern design cycle, design stages, “Autodesk Inventor” program, engineering analysis package, safety factor, optimization problems, static analysis


The article deals with the optimization of structures made of standard profiles by using software packages that allow one to design parts, assemblies and structures in a full cycle. The article analyzes the cycle of modern design, a part of which includes mandatory optimization and its mandatory stages. After the implementation of the above design stages, the transition to experimental design and field tests of the resulting structure or part is carried out. The software available on the market usually doesn’t make it possible to implement all design stages. However, some software products originally developed to create 3D-models and design documentation as part of the implementation of the first design stage (for example, “Compass”, “AutoCAD” and “Autodesk Inventor”), began to expand the functionality to implement standard tasks of the next design stages, in particular, including functions for calculating the strength of the structure and its optimization. This article describes a part of the design cycle of the structure with the calculation of loads and its optimization in the program “Autodesk Inventor”. The solution of this problem is considered on the basis of the design of the drum of the experimental installation made of a standard metal profile, and the method of determining the optimal design is analyzed. Before conducting the research work, optimization tasks were defined. Optimization tasks involve determining the mathematically calculated optimal thickness and length of structural elements. The course of the research in the engineering analysis package “Autodesk Inventor” is described. This study consists of conducting a static analysis in “Autodesk Inventor” and then comparing the resulting safety factor with the recommended one. The main result of research work in such software packages is the simplification of the structure without losing the required level of strength, which has a positive effect on the manufacturability and cost-effectiveness of structures and structures created from standard profiles.


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How to Cite

Трескин, С. В., Новиков, Н. Н., Иванов, П. Ю., & Дульский, Е. Ю. (2021). Solving the problem of optimizing frame structures using the “AUTODESK INVENTOR” software package . Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 10-17. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering

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