Methods for effective organization and supervision of specialized information and software support of the automated system of production planning of coaxial radio components for super high frequency microelectronics for satellite radio communication in ra


  • Yuliya I. Karlina Irkutsk National Research Technical University
  • Andrei P. Khomenko


modeling, mation support of the automated system of technological information support of automated production planning system, coaxial radio components, electronics, radio communication in railway transport, parameterization


The need for import substitution, design and production of communication equipment for railway transport puts forward requirements for the interaction of participants in the radio equipment market. The article proposes using digitalization techniques to create a digital twin of products and technology for its manufacture. It presents the main parameters of the construction kit of coaxial radio components to collect information about consumer requirements. When forming a representative office of a manufacturer of coaxial radio components, it is necessary to create a product construction kit to select and model the design and characteristics of products by consumers. The main parameters of the construction kit should include standardized characteristics with a range of permissible values according to product types. Collecting and processing information about the use of the construction kit by consumers will make it possible to start forming a digital portrait of a consumer, data about which should be supplemented with information from other sources, including non-formalized information obtained from blogs, scientific articles, and thematic communities on the Internet. The creation of a digital twin of the technology for the production of coaxial radio components will allow adding and changing the parameters of the product construction kit as long as the manufacturing technologies improve and the ranges of standardized characteristics are expanded, and the data of the digital portrait of the consumer will indicate the directions for improving the technologies and bringing them in line with the consumer's requirements. Increasing requirements for data transmission equipment result in the need to use new insulating materials that provide radiation resistance and dielectric permittivity of coaxial radio components, devices equipped with programmable logic controllers and technical control systems. An essential prerequisite for ensuring the operability of the automated production planning system is the use of high-precision CNC machines for micromechanics, control and measuring machines, automated lines for electroplated coating and assembly, capable of transmitting data on the operations performed and setting processing parameters calculated in the automated production planning system, taking into account the actual quality parameters obtained in the previous operations.


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How to Cite

Карлина, Ю. И., & Хоменко, А. П. (2021). Methods for effective organization and supervision of specialized information and software support of the automated system of production planning of coaxial radio components for super high frequency microelectronics for satellite radio communication in ra. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (2(70), 30-36. Retrieved from



Machine construction and theoretical engineering