On the experience in developing mobile application "questions and answers"


  • Alexey V. Daneev Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Roman A. Daneev East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • Ivan A. Ryzhov Irkutsk State Transport University


mobile application, Internet, information search, knowledge base, social network


The paper discusses the experience of developing a mobile application of questions and answers. The relevance of this work lies in the fact that the Internet has come to be seen as a large knowledge base, which requires special tools. The system of questions and answers is a community of users helping each other in finding a solution to their problem. Such systems are a knowledge base that stores problems and their solutions. The advantage of such systems is that if the user is limited in knowledge in any area, then a person who understands this area can help him. In such systems, there is a principle of dividing questions into categories, for example, science, philosophy, psychology or cars. Modern question and answer systems are usually a website consisting of people looking for a solution to their questions. Such sites allow users to ask a question or help with the solution to questions already asked. This is how a social network is formed, which everyone can become a member of. Such social networks not only help with solving problems, but also give users the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience with others. And in some cases, look for new solutions. The developed mobile application is such a tool. It allows you to organize the user knowledge base and provides a convenient search for questions and answers. Also, this application organizes a small social network with a message system for users to communicate. Users do not need to waste time searching the Internet for a question of interest. Such an application meets the established requirements and is supported by a large number of devices running on the Android operating system. The authentication system implemented in the mobile application provides the necessary security for access to the application's resourses.


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How to Cite

Данеев, А. В., Данеев, Р. А., & Рыжов, И. А. (2021). On the experience in developing mobile application "questions and answers". Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (3(71), 202-211. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/308



Information technology, management and processing