Investigation of the conditions of movement of an empty train on plots of various profiles


  • Victor A. Nekhaev Omsk State Transport University
  • Elena G. Leonenko Krasnoyarsk Rail Transport Institute, a branch of Irkutsk State Transport University


run-in of the car wheel, traffic safety, directing forces, car derailment, run-in angle


The work was carried out based on of the analysis of technical conclusions of cases of empty rolling stock derailments on the Krasnoyarsk and East Siberian railways in the period of 1996 to 2021. Analyzing the cases of derailments of empty rolling stock, it was found that derailments mostly occur inside the curve (67 % of cases). The analysis of the derailments made it possible to establish the parameters of the track and rolling stock that have a significant effect on the derailment of cars in straight and curved sections of the track. The analysis of the conditions of car derailments when moving along various sections of the track is carried out, the main reasons for the derailments are considered, according to the technical conclusions. In the process of an empty rolling stock motion, interaction forces arise; the developed calculation scheme quite fully characterizes the processes of forces affecting a car. The dependences of the directing forces acting at the point of contact between the wheel and the rail for running and non-running wheels are given, taking into account the position of the car in the curve. The calculation and analysis of the wheel flange run-in angles on the rail working surface was carried out, which made it possible to establish that the run-in angle does not exceed the permissible values and does not have a significant effect on the run-off. The paper analyzes the forces acting at the point of contact between the wheel and the rail head, studies have shown that the transverse horizontal guiding forces are small enough and cannot be the cause of the descent by themselves.


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How to Cite

Нехаев, В. А., & Леоненко, Е. Г. (2021). Investigation of the conditions of movement of an empty train on plots of various profiles. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (4(72), 78-86. Retrieved from