Mathematical model for the locomotive average daily mileage forecasting


  • Oleg O. Mukhin Far Eastern State Transport University


traction rolling stock, electric locomotive, locomotive repair, repair planning, Singular Spectrum Analysis, average daily mileage of a locomotive


One of the urgent directions of improving the life cycle support system of traction rolling stock is through the improvement in the quality of the service organization. Despite the massive renewal of the locomotive fleet of Russian railways, with sufficient capacity of service enterprises, a long downtime still remains due to the wait for scheduled maintenance, which leads to unproductive losses. This becomes possible due to a decrease in the accuracy of the repair program planning service under the conditions of rapid development of the locomotive complex and infrastructure as well as the increasing traffic speeds and railway capacity. Which is why, there is a need to update the existing method of planning the locomotive repair request. Based on the method of spectral singular analysis of time series SSA (Singular Spectrum Analysis) in the Maple computer algebra software package, the author has developed and presented a mathematical model for predicting the locomotive average daily and linear runs. The adequacy of the results was verified by comparing the data obtained with the values of the specialized Caterpillar SSA program. Using the 3ES5K series locomotive fleet operated within the boundaries of the Eastern Polygon, when planning the repair program a comparison of the results of the mathematical model with the methodology operating on the railway network of JSC "Russian Railways" was carried out. The conclusion is made about the effectiveness of the developed solution. The mathematical model differs from the existing method by the possibility to consider technical, technological, seasonal and random factors that negatively affect the reliability of the forecast, allowing a more accurate determination of the date for the appropriate type of repair. The model can also be applied to any type of transport whose inter-repair period is normalized by mileage.

Author Biography

Oleg O. Mukhin, Far Eastern State Transport University

Ph.D. student of the Department of Railway Transport


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How to Cite

Мухин, О. О. (2022). Mathematical model for the locomotive average daily mileage forecasting. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(73), 123-132. Retrieved from