Universal mathematical model of the six-phase magnetoelectric generator with bridge rectifier and active-inductive load at the output


  • Alexey Vasil'evich Daneev Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Roman Alexeevich Daneev East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • Victor Nikolaevich Sizykh Irkutsk State Transport University


mathematical model, six-phase magnetoelectric generator, bridge rectifier, active-inductive load


In aerospace engineering and in the implementation of the idea of switching to direct current of increased voltage of 270 V (the concept of building an aircraft with fully electrified equipment), the problem of developing sources of high power electrical energy has become urgent. This problem has a solution based on synchronous generators with excitation of high-coercive permanent magnets, operating for a rectifying load. Such generators are called magnetoelectric generators. The paper investigates a methodology for the development of algorithmic support for magnetoelectric generators with a bridge rectifier, operating for an active-inductive load. Herefrom questions arise related to the choice of rational forms of representation of models and recommendations for their practical application in the study of various modes of magnetoelectric generators operation. The analysis of processes in magnetoelectric generator can be carried out using mathematical models with different valve designs. The initial data, the generator parameters and the assumptions made in the modeling are the same as in the study of the magnetoelectric generator operation for a six-phase zero rectification circuit. The proposed approach to the mathematical description of the valve generator makes it possible to study electromagnetic processes in a magnetoelectric generator with a multiphase bridge rectifier in the entire range of load changes: from no-load idling mode to external short-circuit of the generator. The mathematical model of the considered six-phase valve generator is built on the basis of a matrix-topological method for analyzing electrical circuits in a homogeneous basis of variables.

Author Biographies

Alexey Vasil'evich Daneev, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, the Full Professor of Department «Information Systems and Information Protection»

Roman Alexeevich Daneev, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Ph. D. in Engineering Science, Associate Professor of Department of Information and Legal Disciplines

Victor Nikolaevich Sizykh, Irkutsk State Transport University

Doctor of Engineering Science, Professor, the Full Professor of Department «Automation of Production Processes»


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How to Cite

Данеев, А. В., Данеев, Р. А., & Сизых, В. Н. (2022). Universal mathematical model of the six-phase magnetoelectric generator with bridge rectifier and active-inductive load at the output. Modern Technologies. System Analysis. Modeling, (1(73), 21-29. Retrieved from http://ojs.irgups.ru/index.php/stsam/article/view/521



Machine construction and theoretical engineering