
  • Anastasia Gennadievna Larchenko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Marina Vasilievna Malova Irkutsk State Transport University


education, foreign students, academic performance, higher education


Every year more and more foreign citizens come to Russia to receive higher education in various fields and specialties. More than 50 foreign students from such countries as Mongolia, China, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are currently studying at the Faculty of Transport Systems at the Irkutsk State University of Communications. Each foreign student goes through the process of adaptation, both to living conditions and to the peculiarities of education. This process can vary from two weeks to several years. Issues related to the problems of education, adaptation of foreign students are currently very relevant and are being studied from the standpoint of sociology, pedagogy, and psychology. In this article, the main problems in education and the difficulties of getting used to the new environment of foreign students in the first year of study are considered. The paper describes the reasons for deductions and transfers. The results of a sociological survey conducted at the faculty among citizens of Uzbekistan with the analysis and analysis of related problems are presented (students from the selected country have not previously studied and are quite problematic in terms of information perception and adaptation). The priority directions in the training of specialists among foreign citizens are analyzed. Tracked performance after the first year of study. Conclusions are drawn. The prerequisites for solving the identified problems are determined in order to improve the quality of living and academic performance.


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How to Cite

Ларченко, А. Г., & Малова, М. В. (2023). PROBLEMS OF ADAPTATION AND EDUCATION OF FOREIGN STUDENTS. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (1(19). Retrieved from



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