
  • Anastasia Vyacheslavovna Moskvitina Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Dmitry Nikolaevich Nasnikov Irkutsk State Transport University


lateral wear, intensity, small radius curves


One of the main problems in the field of railway transport is the wear and tear of the main elements of the superstructure of the track and the wheels of the rolling stock. The appearance of this problem is caused by the interaction of the wheel and the rail, which affects the occurrence of forces between them, in particular, the interaction force. These forces are composed of three components: vertical, horizontal and longitudinal. Thereby exerting pressure on the rail threads in three directions, which can subsequently lead to various defects and malfunctions of the rails.

The development of defects in curved sections is also influenced by such factors as the quality of the rails, the elevation of the outer rail, the speed of the rolling stock along the curve, the radius of the curve, etc.

  The purpose of this work is to study the intensity of lateral wear in curves based on the results of checks by the diagnostic complex DKI 1050, to determine the main factors affecting the intensity of lateral wear of rails.

The paper deals with the problems associated with the interaction of the wheel of the rolling stock and the rail when using heavy and long trains in small radius curves. A number of regularities influencing the appearance and growth of wear of rails in the lateral direction are given. The method of predicting the wear of rails of various quality categories depending on local conditions is considered. On the basis of this technique, a forecast is given for the duration of the life cycle of rail lashes of a seamless track.


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How to Cite

Москвитина, А. В., & Насников , Д. Н. (2023). ANALYSIS OF LATERAL WEAR OF RAILS ON SECTIONS OF THE NTH TRACK DISTANCE. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(20). Retrieved from



Railway track, railway research and design