labor productivity, efficiency, company performance indicators, organizational structure, organizational effectiveness, optimization and improvement, development of railway transportAbstract
This article examines the close relationship between organizational effectiveness and labor productivity, which are the main component and basis of sustainable and efficient development of railway transport. For the railway industry, labor productivity indicator is the main criterion for the efficiency of organizing the transportation process and the sustainable development of the enterprise.
JSC Russian Railways is the largest railway company, whose main and main task is to meet the needs of the Russian economy for safe and reliable transportation of goods and passengers by rail. To increase organizational efficiency, the company has developed mechanisms for the timely management of complex structures based on the construction of a scheme and a system of indicators for the development of key performance indicators of management functions. The issue of increasing labor productivity has always remained one of the main and main priorities of the company for the railway. At JSC Russian Railways, effective management is the basis for further development, since the company is a complex structure and therefore organizational efficiency will be an indicator of the effective operation of the company as a whole, and this in turn will directly affect the increase in labor productivity
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