
  • Natalia Vasilieva Vlasova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Evgeny Sergeyevich Krasko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Nikita Alekseevich Alekseev Irkutsk State Transport University


railroad transportation, tank cars, oil products, fuel oil, draining, acceleration, heating


ecreasing the time of draining viscous oil products from railway tank cars during low temperatures is an important task to ensure efficient operation of transport vehicles and prevent freezing of cargo during transportation. This article deals with the problem of increasing the speed of draining viscous petroleum products such as fuel oil, diesel fuel and lubricating oils from railroad tank cars at low ambient temperatures.

The article is devoted to accelerating the discharge of oil products from railroad tank cars during low temperatures, namely, it considers innovative methods and technologies that can shorten the discharge process and prevent possible emergencies, such as closed-loop double-circuit heating system, AFT-MPM model, tank car with steam-heating shell, electric induction heating of the tank car. The main operational indicators of Novaya Yelovka station were also analyzed.

The research shows that optimization of the process of draining viscous oil products from railway tank cars at low temperatures can significantly reduce the time for loading and unloading of cargo, which reduces operating costs and increases the overall efficiency of oil products transportation. This topic is relevant and requires further research and development in the field of reducing the draining time of viscous petroleum products. It is also important to take into account that reduction of oil products discharge time contributes to environmental safety and reduction of harmful emissions into the environment. The research results presented in the article can be useful for companies engaged in transportation of oil products, as well as specialists in the field of transport logistics and engineers-technologists.


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How to Cite

Власова, Н. В. ., Краско, Е. С., & Алексеев, Н. А. (2024). REDUCTION OF TIME OF DRAINING VISCOUS OIL PRODUCTS FROM RAILROAD TANK CARS IN THE PERIOD OF LOW TEMPERATURES. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(24). Retrieved from



Management of railway transport