
  • Oksana Vladimirovna Kashpurova Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Вероника Олеговна Камкина Irkutsk State Transport University


«Wildberries», marketplace, promotion, Internet platform, methods, tools


The article is devoted to the topical topic of promoting the Wildberries marketplace in a rapidly changing competitive e-commerce. The article defines and examines the concept of the Wildberries marketplace, what it is and what methods are used for promotion in modern conditions. The characteristics of this online platform are given, its role for buyers is defined and examples of promotion are presented. This article discusses the key aspects of the marketing strategy aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the platform for buyers and sellers. The article analyzes: changes in consumer behavior and new trends in online commerce; the competitive environment and the main contenders in the e-commerce market; strategic directions for promoting Wildberries, including content marketing, loyalty programs, work with reviews; analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the platform and prospects for its further development. The article is a valuable resource for: managers and marketers of Wildberries; sellers who want to successfully promote their products on the platform; specialists in the field of online commerce and those interested in the practical aspects of marketing marketplaces. The article provides a deep understanding of the current challenges and opportunities in the promotion of Wildberries, and also offers specific recommendations for improving the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and the successful development of the platform in the future. A comparative analysis was also made between Wildberries and Ozon as the most popular online platforms for product promotion.


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How to Cite

Кашпурова , О. В. ., & Камкина, В. О. (2024). PROMOTION OF THE «WILDBERRIES» MARKETPLACE IN MODERN CONDITIONS ON THE INTERNET. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(24). Retrieved from