entrepreneurship, HR entrepreneurship, trends, business, human resources, personnel hunger, innovativeness, automationAbstract
This article outlines current trends in the field of HR entrepreneurship, which is currently a developed and developing industry. HR entrepreneurship is considered as a business area and as a modern approach to personnel management to improve the efficiency of entrepreneurial activity. These two approaches prevail in the literature, they complement and explain each other. Many companies use these methods in their business, as they help to introduce innovations into production processes, improve labor efficiency in general, and, in a sense, motivate employees for development and professional growth.
HR entrepreneurship is aimed at solving business problems in the short and long term, planning projects and vectors of the organization's development in a particular area (training, human resources development, automation of production processes related to working with personnel, improving the effectiveness of HR consulting and many others). In the modern world, HR itself is a fairly relevant and in-demand industry both from the point of view of the labor market, and from the point of view of science and research, since this is a little-studied area. Any business processes are accompanied by such objects as management aspects, basic knowledge of economics, marketing and entrepreneurship. In order for any enterprise or company to be profitable and profitable, a combination of all the above points is necessary. That is, HR entrepreneurship is a business approach that allows HR specialists to effectively develop their business to the fullest. To achieve this, a specialist must have knowledge in the field of management consulting, marketing, strategic and financial management and economics. It is important to have leadership qualities, a creative approach, as well as the ability to cooperate and manage personnel. HR entrepreneurship will develop more and more every year, as there is a need for both large enterprises and small firms.
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