
  • Ekaterina Viktorovna Voronina Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Andrey Vasilyevich Kryukov Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Ilya Anatolyevich Irkutsk State Transport University


compact overhead lines, railroad power supply systems, modeling


The task of increasing the efficiency of electric power transportation means becomes especially urgent when the electric power industry is transitioning to a new technological platform based on the concept of smart grid smart grids. One of the main directions for solving this problem is the use of compact-type power lines. Such lines have increased throughput and differ from power lines of a typical design by the approach of phases to the minimum allowable distances with an unconventional arrangement of wires. The article presents the results of computer studies aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of the use of compact power lines (KPL) in the external power supply systems of railways. Modeling was carried out in phase coordinates using the Fazonord software package. The power supply system of the main railway with 25 kV traction networks was considered. To connect traction substations to the electric power system, it was supposed to use double-type coaxial KPL. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the use of such power lines allows obtaining the following positive results: the voltage on the current collectors of the rolling stock increases and stabilizes; losses in the traction network are reduced; the quality of electricity improves; the conditions of electromagnetic safety at the approaches of high-voltage power lines to traction substations are partially improved; the strength of the magnetic field decreases;  however, there is an increase in the strength of the electric field.


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How to Cite

Воронина, Е. В., Крюков, А. В., & Фесак, И. А. (2022). APPLICATION OF POWER LINES WITH INCREASED CAPACITY IN EXTERNAL SYSTEMS ELECTRIC SUPPLY OF RAILWAYS. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(13). Retrieved from



Energy, railway electrification