
  • Yulia Olegovna Gud Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Ilya Sergeevich Vyazmin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Nikolay Pavlovich Astashkov Irkutsk State Transport University


operational work, delays of freight trains, a set of technical means for automated fixing of trains, daily schedule of the railway station, train safety, brake shoes


Automation of production processes serves as the basis for a comfortable transport service without which it is simply impossible to create and provide, since the process of interaction with other participants in the transport market will be incomplete. It is JSC "Russian Railways" (hereinafter - JSC "Russian Railways") that is one of the founders of digitalization and automation of transportation processes, which for the first time was reflected in the Digital strategy of the industry development. In 2020, these results served as the basis for uninterrupted operation during the COVID-19 epidemic: maintaining the profitability of freight transportation at the same level, reducing the level of costs during cargo processing, the interest of most of the structural divisions of JSC "Russian Railways" in minimizing the financial and economic results of their activities, full orientation to high-quality transport services for users of transport services.

The article presents the results of research aimed at substantiating the use of modern systems for automating the processes of securing rolling stock on the tracks of railway stations. These technical means will allow you to automate part of the work, increase the safety of work, eliminate dangerous manual labor, perform fixing at high speed, eliminate the human factor, get rid of the inventory of strict accounting (brake shoes), and also increase the productivity of the locomotive, eliminating unproductive downtime.


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How to Cite

Гуд, Ю. О., Вязьмин, И. С., & Асташков, Н. П. (2022). IMPROVING THE OPERATIONAL WORK OF THE RAILWAY STATION BY INTRODUCING A SET OF TECHNICAL MEANS FOR AUTOMATED FIXING OF TRAINS. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(13). Retrieved from



Management of railway transport