Railway transport system, capacity, train schedule, stage, interval, Anaconda systemAbstract
Improving the efficiency of transportation is one of the priority tasks facing the Russian Railways holding. The implementation of this task can be achieved through the introduction of modern technology of interval regulation of trains, which can significantly increase the throughput and carrying capacity of railway lines by reducing the intervals. At present, JSC NIIAS has begun to implement a system of interval regulation of train traffic without track circuits for use on sections of railway lines with medium and low train traffic. In order to increase the throughput and carrying capacity of trains on the Ust-Ilimsk-Khrebtovaya section, it is proposed to introduce the Anaconda interval regulation system. The article presents the train traffic schedules before and after the implementation of the Anaconda system, the main indicators are summarized in a table. The innovative development aims to create a low-maintenance system for interval control of train traffic on the stretch without the use of floor signaling equipment, which makes it possible to abandon the construction of continuous track circuits and axle counters on the plots. Along with this, the safety of train traffic will also increase, because the system will be able to more accurately determine the dislocation of the rolling stock, will be able to monitor the integrity of the rail lines, the presence of an obstacle on the train's route, and much more.
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