
  • Lyubov Victorovna Martynenko Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Irina Alekseevna Inkeeva Irkutsk State Transport University


system analysis, traffic safety, monitoring of infrastructure facilities and railway rolling stock, fixing the fact of failure of technical means, KASANT system


The article discusses an automated system for ensuring the safety of rolling stock traffic, designed for the infrastructure of Russian Railways in the general process of technical operation. An important place in the work is acquired by system analysis, which requires a system that includes monitoring of infrastructure facilities and railway rolling stock as a whole.
This system represents not only the unity of the order of technical systems, but also the investigation of cases of failures of technical means on all roads of Russian Railways, as well as an increase in the reliability and efficiency of collecting information due to the electronic technology of the process. A distinctive feature of the KASANT system from local information developments operating on the railway network was the automatic fixation of the fact of failure of technical means.  In order to correctly take into account the fact of failure, the system implements a specialized mechanism for checking incoming data for duplication with the possibility of subsequent merging of user data. The development prospect of this system is the development of a subsystem for determining reliability indicators for the main types of equipment. The task of assessing the reliability of technical means is relevant for the infrastructure of railway transport. The KASANT system implements the tasks of assessing the economic losses from failures, allowing you to determine the direction of investment in the development of the material and technical base of the company. At the same time, the system for assessing the quality of work of types of equipment changes from quantitative indicators. This assessment is more objective and acceptable from an economic point of view.


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How to Cite

Мартыненко, Л. В., & Инкеева, И. А. . (2022). AUTOMATED SYSTEM FOR ACCOUNTING AND CONTROL OF FAILURES IN THE OPERATION OF TECHNICAL FACILITIES (KASANT). The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(16). Retrieved from



Wagons, wagon economy