geoinformation system, incidents, analysis, safetyAbstract
The need for incident analytics in various spheres of human life arises regularly. In order to reduce the number of accidents at work, as well as to reduce the number of emergencies and man-made disasters, various measures are being developed.
The use of modern incident analysis tools allows us to identify the relationship between various incidents, and, as a result, to develop a set of measures aimed at eliminating the cause of the incident (accident). The introduction of geoinformation systems allows to link the incident to a certain place and to view the statistics of incidents on this section, which in turn will lead to a change in conditions on a certain section of the railway and, as a result of qualitatively selected and installed safety equipment (track design changes), there will be a reduction in the number of incidents on a certain section.
This article discusses the possibilities of using geoinformation systems not only in the analysis of accidents, but also in human life.
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