
  • Alexander Andreevich Pustynnikov Zabaikalsk Rail Transport Institute, a branch of Irkutsk State Transport University


defect, support, superstructure, eccentricity, deformation, geodetic survey, leveling


The inspection and inspection of the railway ferroconcrete bridge 3×11,5 meters for the presence of defects was carried out. The defects were first noticed in 2015, regular monitoring began in 2018 by the forces of the PP-17. Photographs of bridge defects were taken from different sides, on which these defects can be clearly seen. A study of the technical condition of structures, including familiarization with technical documentation, inspection of the structure, instrumental measurements performed to assess the level of consumer properties of the structure and develop recommendations for its operation.

Examination of a bridge structure or pipe, including additional studies necessary to develop recommendations on methods and volumes of restoration work. Work on inspections and tests of bridges and pipes should be carried out by specialized organizations independent of design and construction organizations, provided with the necessary control and measuring equipment and qualified specialists

If there are several identical structures on the bridge (superstructures, supports), the study of the work of which tests in full are allowed to be carried out on one of the structures. The remaining structures can be subjected (selectively) to less detailed tests (measurement of deflections).

To assess the size of the vertical deformation of the structural elements of the bridge, a geodetic survey of this bridge, its leveling, was performed. Measurements of defects and their photographing were carried out. The eccentricity of the bridge was also calculated. The value of the eccentricity is defined as the difference between the distances from the outer face of the head of the left and right rail to the outer edge of the side of the superstructure. The direction of displacement is determined relative to the axis of the superstructure along the mileage.


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How to Cite

Пустынников, А. А. (2022). INSPECTION OF MANMADE STRUCTURES OF THE NARYN-LUGOKAN RAILWAY FOR ITS COMMISSIONING: MEASURING WORKS OF THE RAILWAY FERROCONCRETE BRIDGE 3×11,5 m PC 1106+09. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (2(16). Retrieved from



SZD, bridges, tunnels, industrial and civil buildings and structures