
  • Ilya Sergeevich Ovechkin Irkutsk State Transport University
  • Boris Mikhailovich Mironov Irkutsk State Transport University


signal, arbitrary shape, SDK-1.1 stand, algorithm, program, flowchart, compliance


Maintaining a certain level of electricity quality has been a serious problem lately. Numerous industrial and household electric consumers have serious economic losses due to the low quality of electricity. The reason for this situation is the widespread use of nonlinear loads (and at all voltage levels), for example, household appliances, fluorescent lamps, adjustable drives, and so on. In addition, the power supply indicators deteriorate due to the presence of such loads that work with unstable energy consumption (especially reactive), with the presence of short circuits in the network and switching of capacitors.

The main means that make it possible to control the quality of electricity are quality analyzers. But there is a problem, which consists in how to check the serviceability of electricity quality analyzers, if at the moment no international organization, for example, IEC, has developed and approved the appropriate test methods. A solution is proposed in the form of using the SDK-1.1 microprocessor stand, with the help of which arbitrary shape signals are generated. An algorithm for the formation of a sawtooth signal has been developed. A flowchart is presented, on the basis of which the program is compiled. When loading the program into the stand, the output voltage has a sawtooth shape. Algorithms and flowcharts for two more waveforms are also presented: triangular and sinusoidal. The sinusoidal signal was given by the tabular method. The method of calculating the values of the sine wave is presented in the article. According to the received oscillograms, the corresponding conclusions are made.


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How to Cite

Овечкин, И. С., & Миронов, Б. М. (2022). FORMATION OF ARBITRARY WAVEFORMS USING THE SDK-1.1 MICROPROCESSOR STAND. The Electronic Scientific Journal "Young Science of Siberia", (3(17). Retrieved from



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